DSI'S Role

Consulting Expert and Expert Witness for Administrative Claimants

Services Provided

  • Expert Witness
  • Consulting Expert
  • Litigation Support


Case Highlights

  • Retained as a consulting expert and possible testifying expert relating to the administrative insolvency of LTV
  • Provided broad range of litigation support services

Case Narrative

DSI was engaged on behalf of the Official Committee of Administrative Claimants in the LTV Steel Company, Inc. bankruptcy case to provide consulting expertise and, if necessary,  a testifying expert in connection with one of the largest administratively insolvent bankruptcies in the United States. The suit brought by the administrative claimants alleges, among other things, that the directors and officers of LTV breached their fiduciary duty by continuing to operate the company while simultaneously increasing post-petition liabilities when they knew or should have known that the elements required for a successful restructuring would not materialize.  DSI provided expert consulting and testifying expert services associated with the duties of the directors and officers of LTV and performed financial analyses on the factors that a reasonable person would consider when performing his or her duties as a fiduciary.  The matter was settled in mediation for $85 million.