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A. Kyle Everett

Sr. Managing Director



B.S., California State University Northridge


American Bankruptcy Institute (ABI)
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA)
Association of Insolvency & Reorganization Advisors (AIRA)
California Bankruptcy Forum (CBF)
California Receivers Forum (CRF)
California Society of Certified Public Accountants


California Certified Public Accountant

Board Member

California Regional Bankruptcy Forum

Professional Profile

Kyle Everett is the Sr. Managing Director of the San Francisco office with over 35 years of experience in insolvency and litigation matters. Mr. Everett has been involved in numerous significant engagements both in and out of court.

His extensive experience in a wide variety of industries includes acting as a fiduciary, forensic accountant, and advisor on business restructuring. He has served as a state and federal court receiver, Chapter 7 and Chapter 11 trustee, Chief Restructuring Officer, post-judgment receiver, examiner, creditors’ trust trustee, liquidator, and disbursing agent, and has testified as an expert in state court, bankruptcy court, and arbitration.

Prior to joining DSI, Mr. Everett was a partner in a local financial consulting firm. He is also a past president of both the Bay Area chapter and the state chapter of the California Receivers Forum and California Bankruptcy Forum.

Select Engagements

Aladdin Gaming, Alameda Chemical, Inc., BRE & Buildingwise LLC, Caborca LLC, CHL Mortgage Group, Dillingham Construction, Don White, Heller Ehrman, LLP, Howrey, LLP, Kagi, MedCision, LLC, Michael J. Schneider,, Qmect, Sedgwick LLP, Skjerven Morrill, Swift Instruments and Tally One.